How And Where To Sell Your Stuff When Moving Out Of Manhattan

When you decide to move away from Manhattan, whether you are relocating to a hip Brooklyn neighborhood or out to the suburbs in Connecticut, you are probably going to need to get rid of some of your stuff. Storage units in Manhattan can be pricey and trying to drive a large moving van through the city is the stuff of nightmares, so selling your things is a great way to reduce the amount of stuff you need to haul to your new home.
But where can you go to sell your stuff? Unlike your average suburban dweller, a New York City resident can’t just set up a garage sale to unload the things you no longer need. Luckily, there are some great places to sell your stuff according to this Manhattan moving company.
Essentially the biggest garage sale on the internet, Craigslist is an excellent way to find buyers for your big, bulky, or heavy items. Getting rid of couches, tables, or other furniture is a simple task on Craigslist, though both buyer and seller need to take basic safety precautions when doing business with strangers online. Don’t meet potential buyers alone, and make sure you meet people in public before bringing them into your home to look at your furniture.
The Strand
Have a few books to sell? Head down to The Strand. Not only will they give you a fair price for your books, but you will also be helping stock one of the greatest used book stores in the country. You can take pride in being a part of an unofficial New York landmark when you sell them your old books, and when you are all moved into your new place, you can go back and buy all new (to you) books to fill your shelves.
Manhattan Art and Antiques Center
If you have valuables you no longer want, consider taking them to Manhattan Art and Antiques Center to sell. They deal with everything from jewelry to vintage toys, so if you need to clear your shelves and make a little money in the process, then this is the place for you.
Michael’s Consignment NYC
If you have designer clothes, you no longer wear, and the idea of boxing them up and bringing them to your new place leaves you feeling empty, bring them over to Michael’s Consignment. Just because you paid a pretty penny for a Chanel suit or Hermes bag doesn’t mean you have to keep it forever! Bring them to Michael’s and make a little money while you a cleaning out your closets.
Don’t bother paying to move your unwanted and unnecessary household items to your new home. If you take advantage of all the great ways to sell your stuff in Manhattan, you might even make enough money to pay for the move without breaking into your savings account!